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Technical Bulletin

How to adjust the concentricity of a ramé-hart Coaxial Needle

1. Under magnification, examine the tip of the coaxial needle (assuming DIM C = 0 and the inner and outer needle end on the same plane) and identify if the two needle tubes are either touching or excessively close. If that's the case, then at the point where they are closest, follow that point down to the needle hubs and place a small mark on each hub as shown below. In the example below, the needle tubes are closest directly above where the black dots appear on the hub.

2. Disassemble the needle following the instructions located here. It's important that you do NOT use the inlet for leverage when disassembling the coaxial needle as this can damage the inlet tubing.

3. Once the needle is disassembled, hold the inner needle so the mark on the hub is closest to you. Then push the needle tubing so that it bends very slightly in the direction away from you. You need only bend the tubing so that it's 1 or 2 degrees in the opposing direction. In other words, bend it very little.

4. Follow the disassembly instructions in step 2 above in reverse to reassemble the coaxial needle. The two dots should be aligned once fully assembled.

5. Now under magnification, examine the tip and see if concentricity is improved. If not, repeat steps 2-4 above. If the concentricity is now good, then use a solvent like acetone to clean the dots off the hubs.

If you require any additional technical assistance, feel free to contact us.  

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