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Newsletter Archive
Newest to Oldest

Oct 2024   Understanding Surface Treatments - Product of the Month: Model 190
Fall 2024   The Spinneret - Tips for Achieving Consistent Fiber Production
Sep 2024   Contact Angle Line Dynamics - Product of the Month: Quartz Cell
Aug 2024   The Spreading Coefficient and Contact Angle - Product of the Month: Precision Combo Calibration Device
Jul 2024   What are Pickering Emulsions? - Product of the Month: Model 90
Summer 2024   The Spinneret - New Product Announcement: Prebuilt Circular Spinneret Array Kit p/n 100-10-PCA - ramé-hart Spinneret Arrays for Electrospinning Applications 
Jun 2024   What is a Liquid Marble? - How to Measure the Contact Angle of a Liquid Marble using a ramé-hart Goniometer - Product of the Month: DROPimage Advanced   
May 2024   Press Release for Prebuilt Circular Spinneret Array Kit p/n 100-10-PCA
May 2024   Superspreading Part Two - NISE 2024 - Temperature Logger 
Spring 2024   The Spinneret - Coaxial Electrospinning for Food Packaging Applications
Apr 2024   What is Superspreading?
Mar 2024   What is the best way to measure advancing and receding contact angles?
Feb 2024   Ten challenges when measuring contact angle on polymers and how to address them - Why are researchers interested in the water contact angle on polymer samples?
 Winter 2024   The Spinneret - Coaxial Electrospinning for Tissue Engineering and Fabricating Biomedical Scaffolds
Jan 2024   Hydrophobic Treatment of Consumer Products
Dec 2023   Disruptive Technologies and Contact Angle, an Update - LED Light Source
Nov 2023   Leveraging Contact Angle for Quality Assurance: Practical Applications - ramé-hart Video Series
Fall 2023   The Spinneret - Electrospinning vs. Electrospraying
Oct 2023   Laws you need to know for contact angle - Why ramé-hart?
Sep 2023   Benefits of Superhydrophobicity - ramé-hart is your partner in contact angle goniometry
Summer 2023   The Spinneret - Coaxial Bioprinting
Aug 2023   Applications for Surface Energy - Imaging Upgrade Kits
Jul 2023   A Cursory Overview of Applications that Benefit from Contact Angle, Part 2
Jun 2023   A Cursory Overview of Applications that Benefit from Contact Angle, Part 1 - Model 210
May 2023   The Work of Cohesion and the Work of Adhesion - Instrument Upgrade Options
Spring 2023   The Spinneret - Coaxial Electrospinning Revisited
Apr 2023   What does AI know about Surface Science?
Mar 2023   Curved Baseline in DROPimage Advanced - Technical Considerations for Measuring Contact Angle on Convex Surfaces
Feb 2023   Contact Line Pinning, Pinning Force, and Slip-Stick Motion
Winter 2023   The Spinneret - Coaxial Spinneret Applications
Jan 2023   Contact Angle and Bonding Polymers
Dec 2022   Slippery Liquid-Infused Porous Surfaces (SLIPS)
Nov 2022   Tunable Wetting Behavior, Part Two - Tech Tip Baseline
Oct 2022   Tunable Wetting Behavior, Part One - Two Ways to Measure Contact Angle
Fall 2022   The Spinneret - Tips and Tricks for Bioprinting - Survey Results
Sep 2022   Superhydrophobic Antiviral Surfaces
Aug 2022   Intrinsic Wetting Threshold
Jul 2022   Discovering Superhydrophobicity in the Palezoic Era
Jun 2022   Press Release for Custom Spinneret with Tubing
Summer 2022   The Spinneret - Ten Advantages of Coaxial Electrospinning
Jun 2022   How to Improve your Surface Tension Technique - DROPimage Advanced
May 2022   Plasma Treatment and Contact Angle - Product Comparison: Models 210 and 250
Apr 2022   What is Pinning? Product of the Month: Environmental Chamber
Spring 2022   The Spinneret - Leaders in Coaxial Bioprinting
Mar 2022   Developments in Nature Inspired Surface Engineering - Automated Tilting Base Tips and Tricks - NISE 2022
Feb 2022   The Rose Petal Effect Explained - Automated Dispensing System Tips and Tricks
Winter 2022   The Spinneret - Triaxial and Quadaxial Spinnerets 
Jan 2022   The Perils of Hydrophobicity - Top DROPimage Support Questions - Happy New Year
Dec 2021   Nanofinishes - Season's Greetings
Nov 2021   The art and science of mask making
Fall 2021   The Spinneret - Core-cut ramé-hart Coaxial Spinnerets
Oct 2021   What can we learn from a sewer fly? - Manual Syringe
Sep 2021   A Novel Hydrophobic Material for Aircraft
Aug 2021   What we can learn from a coffee ring
Summer 2021   Custom Spinnerets for 3D Bioprinting
Jul 2021   What is a Hydrobot?
Jun 2021   How Hydrophobic are Hydrophobic Products? - How the ramé-hart Calibration Works
May 2021   The Complete 2021 ramé-hart Product Selection Guide
Spring 2021   The Spinneret - Eight Amazing Applications for Coaxial Electrospinning
Apr 2021   Mary goes to work - Videos
Mar 2021   Seven Factors that Drive Wetting Behavior - What Makes Model 210 Such a Great Instrument
Feb 2021   The Gallo House and Hydrophobic Cement
Winter 2021   The Spinneret - Electrospun Fiber-reinforced Polymer Composites - What's New - Savings
Jan 2021   Overcoming the Limitations of Contact Angle Goniometry
Dec 2020   How Optimized is Mary's World?
Nov 2020   Should PPE be hydrophilic or hydrophobic? - Product of the Month: the Microsyringe Assembly
Fall 2020   The Spinneret - The amazingly versatile coaxial needle - What's new
Oct 2020   The great energy paradigm shift - and why I don't care - Custom Spinnerets
Sep 2020   The Quest for an Ideal Surface - Glossary - Coupon Savings
Aug 2020   Contact Angle Hysteresis Revisited - Automated Tilting Base
Jul 2020   Everybody's gone surfin', surfin' U.S.A. - Spare Parts
Summer 2020   The Spinneret - Non-medical Applications for Coaxial Electrospinning
Jun 2020   My quest for a superhydrophobic shed
May 2020   Bioinspired Superhydrophobic Surface that Removes Oil from Water - ramé-hart Calibration Tool
Spring 2020   The Spinneret - A Coaxial Spinneret Checklist
Apr 2020   Better Days - Coronavirus and Contact Angle - DROPimage Pro Video
Mar 2020   Adhesion and Contact Angle, A Primer - WAC 2020
Winter 2020   The Spinneret - Electrospun Nanobandages
Feb 2020   Nature-Inspired Surface Engineering - NISE Conference 2020
Jan 2020   Ten things to measure with your ramé-hart Goniometer in 2020 - Happy New Year
Dec 2019   What Nature Can Teach Us
Fall 2019   The Spinneret - Coaxial Electrospinning
Nov 2019   Our Contribution to Nondisruptive Technologies - Top Five Spare Parts
Oct 2019   Nano-Enoki Mushroom Surfaces - Lab Services
Sep 2019   We just got a lot faster! High-speed FAQ
Summer 2019   The Spinneret - Ten things you should know when selecting or customizing a spinneret
Aug 2019   Self-cleaning Surfaces - Spares Kits
Jul 2019   The fascinating tale of a what a weed can teach us about reducing drag on ships - Model 290
Jun 2019   Ten Reasons Why Water is Weird - A Variety of Wetting Behavior
Spring 2019   The Spinneret - Making Electrospun Nanofibers is Fun
May 2019   A Diversity of Applications for Contact Angle - Part Two
Apr 2019   A Diversity of Applications for Contact Angle - Part One
Mar 2019   Generating Electricity with Superhydrophobic Surfaces and Ocean Waves - How the Energy Industry Benefits from Contact Angle and Surface Tension - Bioprinting
Winter 2019   The Spinneret - Bioprinting
Feb 2019   Disruption Revisited - Spinnerets for Electrospinning and Bioprinting
Jan 2019   A Brief History of Goniometry (and Surface Tension)
Dec 2018   How many contact angles are there? New book. Happy Holidays.
Fall 2018   The Spinneret - Portable Electrospinning Device for Medical Applications
Nov 2018   When static contact angle is not enough - What's new at ramé-hart - Upcoming conference
Oct 2018   ramé-hart instrument company Announces New Model 90 (Press Release)
Sep 2018   ramé-hart instrument company Announces New DROPimage Pro Software (Press Release)
Summer 2018   The Spinneret - Island-in-the-sea Spinneret - Side-by-side Spinneret - Multi-lumen Spinnerets - Spinneret Arrays
Aug 2018   A Dozen Fun Facts about Contact Angle - Tools for Measuring Contact Angle
Jul 2018   A Dozen Fun Facts about Surface Tension - Tools for Measuring Surface Tension
Jun 2018   Extreme Behavior Gets All the Attention - Tools for the Extremes
Spring 2018   The Spinneret - Welcome Quadaxial Needles - New PTFE Tubing Kit and Components
May 2018   Making the World a Better Place - Peltier Environmental Chamber 100-30
Apr 2018   The Penguins Amazing De-icing Secret - New Product Announcement: Custom Quadaxial Needle
Mar 2018   Our Contribution to the Development of Autonomous Vehicles - Superhydrophobicity and Wetting Symposium - Physics of Wetting (Book)
Feb 2018   Cloud Catchers
Winter 2018   The Spinneret - Ten Reasons Why You Should Buy ramé-hart Custom Spinnerets - Coupon Savings
Jan 2018   2018 US News and World Report Top Twenty Best Colleges - Fifty Shades of Wetting
Dec 2017   How to Cool Your Loudspeakers 
Nov 2017   Even Cyborgs Need Contact Angle - Environmental Fixture
Oct 2017   The Marangoni Effect - Model 500
Sep 2017   Six things your sessile drop would tell you - if it could only speak - Order spare parts and more online  
Summer 2017   The Spinneret - We Could Have Helped Superman
Aug 2017   How Contact Angle is Saving the Planet
Jul 2017   Three New Videos for Your Viewing Pleasure
Jun 2017   Brace Yourself for the Next Big Wave of Disruption - Lab Services
Spring 2017   The Spinneret - Electrospinning: Medical Applications
May 2017   A Dozen Things You Can Measure with a ramé-hart Goniometer / Tensiometer
Apr 2017   How to Improve Surface Tension Measurements - Dispensing Needles
Mar 2017   The Effect of Drop Volume on Contact Angle - Model 290
Feb 2017   Why We Study Surface Tension - DROPimage Advanced 
Winter 2017   The Spinneret - Choosing the Best Needle Gauge for Electrospinning
Jan 2017   Contact Angle and Adhesion - Five Most Popular Videos
Dec 2016   Real Time Continuous Contact Angle Reporting - Eight Things to Ask When Buying a Goniometer
Nov 2016   Wetting Properties of Human Skin - Model 250 Standard Goniometer / Tensiometer
Fall 2016   The Spinneret - Coaxial Electrospinning Done by High Schoolers
Oct 2016   Twenty-One Applications - Straight 304 Stainless Needle Assortment
Sep 2016   Hydrophobic Mortar
Aug 2016   The Cheerios Effect and the Surface Tension of Milk - Model 250
Summer 2016   The Spinneret - Electrospraying versus Electrospinning
Jul 2016   Superhydrophilicity and Pinning
Jun 2016   The Receding Contact Angle
May 2016   Anti-graffiti coatings
Spring 2016   The Spinneret - Premier edition of newsletter dedicated to custom coaxial and triaxial needle products 
Apr 2016   Interfacial Cavitation - DROPimage Standard Video: Measuring Contact Angle
Mar 2016   Homemade Hydrophobicity - DROPimage Standard
Feb 2016   The Cassie to Wenzel Transition; Two Million Pictures - No Errors (U2 SuperSpeed Camera)
Jan 2016   Contact Angle Spreading Coefficient
Dec 2015   A Bug's Life - How to Use your Goniometer as a Digital Optical Comparator
Nov 2015   ramé-hart - Your Partner in Disruption
Oct 2015   Is Your Superhydrophobic Surface the Real Deal...Or Is It a Fake? And What is Pseudosuperhydrophobicity Anyway? - Ten Years Old
Sep 2015   I Broke My Clavicle - Tech Tip: How to Troubleshoot the U1 Series Camera
Aug 2015   Book Review: Wetting of Real Surfaces (Bormashenko) - Inverted Phases
Jul 2015   Captive Bubble
Jun 2015   Seven People Who Should Buy a ramé-hart Goniometer
May 2015   You've Got Questions. I've Got Answers
Apr 2015   Beyond Superhydrophobicity - Product Update: Model 190
Mar 2015   Five things to know about icephobicity - Tips for measuring contact angle on reflective surfaces
Feb 2015   Mainstreaming Superhydrophobicity - Dynamic Contact Angle
Jan 2015   Extreme Wetting and Non-wetting - A Glimpse of ramé-hart from A to Z
Dec 2014   New Product Announcement: Heated Environmental Cell - Survey - Happy Holidays
Nov 2014   New Product Announcement: Hot Plate - Temperature and Contact Angle
Oct 2014   How to Boil Water without Bubbles - DROPimage Advanced Single and Two-Window Modes
Sep 2014   Increasing Durability of Superhydrophobic Surfaces - Top 10 Videos
Aug 2014   Ten Contact Angle Myths Busted - Prebuilt Coaxial Needle
Jul 2014   ramé-hart Model 790 High Speed Automated Goniometer / Tensiometer - Thirty-five Things You Can Measure with a ramé-hart Model 790

Jun 2014

  Ten Ways Superhydrophobicity Will Improve Your Life - Imaging Upgrade Kit
May 2014   Windshield wipers may go the way of the Dodo bird - The New ramé-hart U1 Series Camera
Apr 2014   How Hydrophobic is your Swimsuit? 
Mar 2014   Surface Tension and Viscosity - Viscosity and Dispensing
Feb 2014   101 Superhydrophobic Surfaces - Nanotechnology and Superhydrophobicity
Jan 2014   Upstream Contamination - Happy New Year
Dec 2013   Self-cleaning Army Fatigues - ramé-hart in India - Wetting of Real Surfaces book - Happy Holidays
Nov 2013   Electrowetting - MMT-2014
Oct 2013   Contact Angle Hysteresis - Our New Web Store at
Sep 2013   Automated Dispensing System (Video) - Making the World a Little More Superhydrophobic
Aug 2013   How to Make Your Puma Clyde Suede Sneakers Superhydrophobic for Less than Twenty (US) Dollars - Ninth Annual Contact Angle Symposium on Contact Angle, Wettability, and Adhesion
Jul 2013   Temperature Logging and Control - Why Does Surface Tension Decrease as Temperature Increases?
Jun 2013   Surface Evolver - New Product: Temperature Logger Model 100-32
May 2013   New Product Announcement: Peltier Environmental Chamber Model 100-30
Apr 2013   Nanobiomimicry: Five things we have learned from nature
Mar 2013   New Book: Contact Angle Made Easy
Feb 2013   How to Build a Self-Cleaning Surface

Jan 2013

  This is No Ordinary Ketchup Bottle - Ten Surface Science Trends to Watch in 2013

Dec 2012

  Fact or Friction: Tribologists Use Contact Angle - Year in Review

Nov 2012

  New Product Announcement: Overhead Optical Imaging Kit (p/n 100-31)

Oct 2012

  Ten Things Your Goniometer Won't Tell You - We're in Fifty Countries

Sep 2012

  Methods for Measuring Contact Angle

Aug 2012

  The Amazing Properties of Graphene - Dispensing Needles and Tips

Jul 2012

  12 Reasons Why Contact Angles Change Over Time

Jun 2012

  New Model 295 - Commercialization of Hydrophobicity - Flash from the Past

May 2012

  Are 3M Post-it Notes the Best Sticky Notes? - How to Measure Advancing and Receding Contact Angles Using the Automated Dispensing System

Apr 2012

  Will Copper Become Obsolete Anytime Soon? Model 250

Mar 2012

  Trigger Happy

Feb 2012

  Oleophobic Touchscreens - How to Check Your Calibration

Jan 2012

  Fracking and Surface Tension - Interfacial Tension

Dec 2011

  The Fuzzy New Jersey Weed - The DROPimage Acid-Base Surface Energy Tool - White Holes

Nov 2011

  Adhesive Bonding and Contact Angle - Technical Support

Oct 2011

  DROPimage Red Line and Right Line Options

Sep 2011

  My Superhydrophobic Toilet Design - How to Measure the Contact Angle of a Fiber - 2012 Contact Angle Symposium

Aug 2011

  We've Moved - MIT and the African Water Cloth
Jul 2011   How to Make Your Plastic Parts More Hydrophobic - Adhesion Society Call for 2012 Papers
Jun 2011   Static Contact Angle is Not Always Enough - How to Level the Specimen Stage
May 2011   Model 190 - Right Line Option in DROPimage
Apr 2011   High Speed Upgrade Kits - The New F4 Series Camera
Mar 2011   Making Lexan Hydrophobic Part 2 - DROPimage Advanced v2.5
Feb 2011   My Superhydrophobic Motorcycle / Custom Coaxial Needles
Jan 2011   Celebrating 50 Years / New Model 260
Dec 2010   50 Things You Can Do with a Goniometer
Nov 2010   Custom Instruments
Oct 2010   Advanced Goniometer / Tensiometer Model 500; Recalculation in DROPimage Advanced
Sep 2010   Roughness and Contact Angle
Aug 2010   Redesigned and Updated Model 190 (p/n 190-F2)
Jul 2010   Advancing and Receding Contact Angles Revisited
Jun 2010   Certified Fixed Pendant Drop Calibration Reference Tool
May 2010   DROPimage Calibration and Measure Distance Commands
Apr 2010   What is a contact angle, surface energy, and surface tension?
Mar 2010   Surface Science and the Green Revolution / Lab Services
Feb 2010   New Model 590 Advanced Automated Goniometer / Tensiometer - Erick Bierlein
Jan 2010   A Toast to Surface Tension, Oscillator 10-28, 2010 Price List
Dec 2009   ASTM D 7334, Switchable Wetting, Windows 7
Nov 2009   Of Phobias and Philicities - Will that be Super or Ultra? Model 500
Oct 2009   Moth Eyes
Sep 2009   Dr. William A. Zisman
Aug 2009   Thin Film and Third Generation Solar Technology
Jul 2009   Model 290 Automated Goniometer / Tensiometer, Dynamic Contact Angle
Jun 2009  

Model 710 DAS Tensiometer, Website Update
(Note: Model 710 has since been discontinued)

May 2009   Surface Tension, Certified Pre-owned Instruments
Apr 2009  

Interfacial Tension, Twitter

Mar 2009   Polymer Surface Modification: Plasma and Corona
Feb 2009  

Wetting, Adhesion, and Cohesion; Knol

Jan 2009  

Fixed Drop Calibration Reference Tool, Five Hottest Trends, New Price List

Dec 2008  

Surface Dilatational Elasticity Part Two

Nov 2008  

Oscillator, Surface Dilatational Elasticity and Viscosity

Oct 2008  

33g Needle, Shower Curtain, Adhesion Society

Sep 2008  

Wenzel and Cassie

Aug 2008  

Advanced Chamber, Contact Angle Wettability and Adhesion Books

Jul 2008  

Glossary of Surface Science Terms, ramé-hart in India

Jun 2008  

PTFE Reference Material and Surface Modification

May 2008  

Contact Angle Symposium, Superhydrophobicity and Superhydrophilicity

Apr 2008  

Lotusan Paint and Superhydrophobicity

Mar 2008   Automated Tilting Base, Sixth International Symposium on Contact Angle, Wettability, and Adhesion
Feb 2008  

Advancing and Receding Contact Angles

Jan 2008   New, New Model 190-F1, New Tilting Base 100-25-M
Dec 2007  

History of ramé-hart Goniometer

Nov 2007  

CA and High-Voltage Transmission

Oct 2007   Ultralyophobic and Superhydrophobic Properties, DROPimage Measurement Command, Survey Results
Sep 2007  

Relaxation Measurements, DROPimage Advanced v2.2

Aug 2007  

Contact Angle for Measuring Cleanliness, Model 400-F1 and Wafer Support

Jul 2007  

DROPimage 2.1 Release, Software Upgrades

Jun 2007  

Silanes and Surface Modification, Environmental Chamber

May 2007  

Contact Angle Basics, James Gibson, John Hertz

Apr 2007  

Contact Angle on Diamonds

Mar 2007  

Contact Lenses, Environmental Fixture

Feb 2007  

Environmental influences on drop size / contact angle relationships

Jan 2007  

Properties of Water per van Oss, Chamber Cover with Stage

Dec 2006  

Pendant Drop Method with DROPimage Advanced

Nov 2006  

Calibration, Vacuum Chuck

Oct 2006  

Making Movie, Pendant Drop, Model 100-F0
(Note: Model 100-F0 has since been discontinued)

Sep 2006  

Who's Who Part 1, F1 Imaging Upgrade Kit

Aug 2006  

Drop Shape Analysis, Software Upgrades

Jul 2006   The F1 Series
Jun 2006  

Elevated Temperature Syringe

May 2006  

CA Symposium, Model 200 (Note: In 2018, Model 200 was replaced with Model 210 with DROPimage Pro)

Apr 2006  

Non-destructive Testing, Micro-syringe Assembly

Mar 2006  

Surface Tension, Models 250 and 500

Feb 2006  

Surface Energy

Jan 2006  

Model 205, High Pressure Chamber
(Note: Model 205 has since been discontinued)

Dec 2005  

DROPimage versions, Calibration Tools

Nov 2005  

Teflon and Polypropylene Needles, Film Clamps

Oct 2005  

Model 50 Imaging Upgrade Kit, Quartz Cell
(Note: Model 50 has since been discontinued)

Sep 2005  

Model 120, Automated Dispensing System
(Note: Model 120 has since been discontinued)



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